Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reflection on "Bully" the Movie


The movie "Bully" is a documentary of five families who have kids that are being bullied at school. Two of the kids who were bullied took their own lives because they couldn't handle the bullying anymore. The bullying of the kids was something as simple as calling someone stupid, and escalating up to the bullies choking, punching, and stabbing the kids, which was all caught on tape that is shown in this movie. The movie is available on Netflix, iTunes, and DVD. The website for information about the Bully Project is


I had already seen this movie once when it first came out in theaters. The first time I saw it I cried like a baby because it is so sad and depressing that an 11 year old child would choose to end his life because kids at school are bullying him on a daily basis. Even how another child was being punched, choked, and stabbed with the cameras rolling and capturing everything, but he wouldn't say anything to anyone because he knows that the bullying isn't going to stop. It's especially sad when his mom asks him how does it make him feel about being punched and the boy replies that maybe he doesn't feel anymore. The second time watching it I still cried, but I felt more enraged by what is happening. Schools are making these promises that they are going to do everything they can and that they are going to fix it, when in reality they are no where close. It sickens me that so many families have to bury their children because they decided to commit suicide, especially at such young ages. I remember when I was in first grade I got bullied by one boy who was known for being a bully because I used to suck my thumb. It affected me, so that was when I stopped sucking my thumb, but I was still feeling horrible about myself. Other kids were being bullied by him but weren't doing or saying anything about it because they didn't want this kid to come after any of us. But I was so hurt that I said something to my teacher and thankfully something was done about it. There were any problems with anyone after that. Yet now when kids go to authorities, it's like they don't even listen or try to understand and take enough action, if any.


Obviously bullying needs to be stopped. Children need to be able to feel safe about going to school. They should be going to school to learn, not live in fear of walking down the hallways. I feel like there should be a club at school for anti-bullying. Students can get together and think of ways to prevent bullying on their school campus. If there is someone who is being bullied they can come to this club as a no judgement zone so they can talk about what is going on. It's better to talk things through with others rather than holding it in. One person can only take so much. They can then take further action to the principle to deal with the specific bully. The bully's family should be involved with the situation too. Just like the kids who are being bullied and not telling their family, the bully is obviously not telling their family that they go to school everyday and pick on their peers. If there is any influence at all to stop the bully, it will most likely be someone from the family. 

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