Thursday, March 13, 2014

Stress and Psychological Wellness

Sometimes we need to realize there are OTHER solutions to our problems.

There are times when you are faced with a problem and you feel like you are stuck and there is absolutely no other option or solution to the problem. This causes you to get stressed out which keeps you from seeing a solution to the problem. You might not see it right away, but usually there is always a solution to your problem. It might not be completely satisfying, but you can at least have some ease about the situation to help you become less stressed. When you're less stressed you can think more clearly. A way to try and find a solution is to talk to someone and let them know what is happening. Chances are they will see your situation in a different way than you do, helping you find the solution faster. But sometimes people are other-directed causing that person to maybe give the solution that someone else wants, but doesn't give themselves a solution because they are trying to satisfy the other person. For example, if you are having a bad day and your friend keeps asking you what's wrong, but you don't want them to know how you truly feel, you just tell them that you are tired so they leave you alone. It satisfies them, but you still aren't satisfied which causes you to become stressed. A way you can help yourself out in this situation is by trying meditation and visualization to help relax yourself. This can help cause a reaction where you are able to find a solution to your problem and become less stressed. For people that do meditation and visualization on a daily basis are usually seen as being inner-directed. They have their own values and a positive self-concept which leads to a high self-esteem. Overall, the moral of the story is to just stop, take a step back, assess the situation, and try your best to satisfy not only others, but more importantly yourself.

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