Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nutrition Journal Analysis

Nutrition Journal Entries


  • Average consumption of carbohydrates in a day: 174 grams (2,436 grams of carbs / 14 days = 174 grams of carbs).
  • Represents 696 calories from carbohydrates (174 x 4 = 696).
  • With an average of 1,255 calories a day, 55% of those calories are contributed by carbohydrates.
  • With the recommendation of 45%-65%, my intake is exactly in the middle of the scale.


  • Average consumption of fat in a day: 39 grams (543 grams of fat / 14 days = 39 grams of fat)
  • Represents 351 calories from fat (39 x 9 = 351).
  • With an average consumption of 1,255 calories and 39 grams of fat a day, my fat intake contributes to 28% of total energy.
  • With the recommendation of fat not contributing more than 20%-35% of total energy, I am above the minimum but also below the maximum.
  • Looking at the days I went over my recommended goal intake of fat, I noticed I ate Mary Calendar's Mac & Cheese or Totino's Pizza Rolls.
  • I recall being in a rush those days, so I didn't have a lot of time to actually make something better for me.
  • Next time I am in a rush and I choose to eat those meals again, I will eat a smaller portion so I don't go over my goal of fat intake and will in return lower my percentage.
  • Average consumption of cholesterol in a day: 101 milligrams


  • Average consumption of protein in a day: 46 grams (640 grams of protein / 14 days = 46 grams of protein). 
  • Represents 184 calories from protein (46 x 4 = 184).
  • With an average consumption of 1,255 calories and 46 grams of protein a day, my protein intake contributes to 4% of total energy.
  • With the recommendation of protein contributing 10%-35% of total energy, my comparison of 4% is below the recommendation.

  • Vitamin C is a high consumption, while Iron, Vitamin A, and Calcium are a lower consumption 
  • There is a high sodium content in Cup O Noodles. The best way to enjoy that food without too much sodium would be to take out as much of the seasoning as possible.


For the most part I'm somewhat satisfied with the way I eat. It isn't completely unhealthy, but then again it isn't completely healthy. I would like to eat more fruits and vegetables. It's hard for me because with today's society, I'm always busy and on the run. A way I feel like I can get around that to improve my eating habits and take that step towards a healthier lifestyle would to be to pre-package some healthy fruit and vegetable snacks (on the weekend when I'm the least busy) for everyday for the entire week. That way I can just grab it and go and not have to buy something that's processed or fast food. One thing I am very proud of myself for choosing to do before this was to stop drinking soda completely. I remember in high school I used to drink at least 2 cans of Dr. Pepper every single day. When I graduated I took that step to stop and observed what happened because of that. The outcome of it was really good and looking at all of these charts of what I eat and drink and how it breaks everything down just confirms it even more.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Movie Advertisement (Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead)

Movie Notes
  • Fast on green juice (fruits and vegetables) for at least 7 days
  • Day 1=Starting weight of 309 lbs
  • Day 14=Lost 14 lbs
  • Faster nutrient absorption in juice form
  • America's diet is mainly processed food (oils, sugar, flour)
  • Day 31=Lost 47 lbs
  • First week is very hard because of dramatic change in lifestyle, but gets easier through the weeks if continued
  • Must have willpower and the ability and strength to overcome any urges and temptations
  • The closer the food is to its natural state, the healthier it is
  • Micro-nutrients=Vitamins & Minerals-->Found in plant foods-->Helps build muscle & increase immune function-->Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans
  • Macro-nutrients=Found in everything else micro-nutrients aren't
  • Unhealthy eating is killing 70 million Americans
  • Day 52=Lost 72 lbs
  • More energy
  • Day 61=Lost 82 lbs
  • 60% of what we eat is processed & refined food
  • 30% animal product
  • 5% whole grains & white potatoes
  • 5% fruits & vegetables
  • Without micro-nutrients our cells are weakened
  • Cost of conventional juice fast: $14 a day
  • 70% of diseases that affect us are caused by our own life choices

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Exercise Routine

Workout Plan

Warm Up (Before every workout)
First thing to do is warm up. Warm up for 5-10 minutes using an elliptical as a good piece of equipment to warm up your entire body. 

Strength Training
Focus on strength training for about 15-20 minutes. When performing exercises that target improving your strength, follow these key elements:
  1. Use movements that are controlled and slow.
  2. On exertion, you want to exhale.
  3. Use a full range of motion.
  4. Make sure you are not targeting the same muscle group for 2 consecutive days.
  5. You generally want to target for 2 sets of 12 reps (Ex: Do 12 leg extensions, take a 30 second break, and do another 12 leg extensions). 
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

Upper Body

Chest Press

Shoulder Press

Lat Pulldowns

Seated Rows

Tricep Extensions

Bicep Curls
Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Lower Body

Supine Leg Press

Seated Leg Press

Leg Curl

Leg Extension

Cardio should be performed for at least 30 minutes. When performing cardio, keep your heart rate at an elevated level depending on your age. Use the chart below to find your heart rate range:

Exercises that target cardio include the following:




Step Mill

Rowing Machine
Stretching (After every workout)
The last thing is to finish off the work out is just to stretch as a cool down for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to target every area of the body and focusing on the areas used that day for strength training.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Hey guys!
              My name is Kimberly Hampshire, I'm 20 years old, soon to be 21 on March 14th, and I am majoring in Business Management at Palomar. I'm hoping to have my own photography business sometime in the future. It won't be any old photography business either because I want to focus on taking pictures for families with someone who has cancer. My mom had breast cancer and I had carcinoid cancer, so I understand the sadness and the tough times that come from dealing with cancer. With my photography business, families will be able to have happy memories to hold on to, rather than the sad memories of chemo therapy, radiation, being in the hospital, and being so sick. This is especially if that family member with cancer were to pass away. I would love to help bring joy and comfort to the family, and I think that is the best benefit to having this kind of photography business.
              Other than that, I love to play soccer, golf, and swim. I'm considered a crazy cat lady and I love penguins just as much.  I probably listen to some of the most diverse playlists of music. From Reggae to Rock, from Pop to Country, from Alternative to Hip Hop, and that's not even the tip of the iceberg. But if there's one thing you should know about me and my music is that I've always been a huge Maroon 5 fanatic. I've been to 3 Maroon 5 concerts and I met Adam Levine (yes, I cried like a baby). I'm a certified framer at Michael's Arts and Crafts. I graduated from Mission Hills High School in 2011 where I met my boyfriend, Alex, of 5 and a half years and counting. Since my mom is from Appleton, Wisconsin and I am named after the city Kimberly,Wisconsin, it is safe to say I am a huge Green Bay Packer fan. Plus I love cheese. That's pretty much it, but I love listening to what others have to say and talking so if you want to get to know me more, be ready with your ears on because I will probably talk them off. 
Click here to check out me meeting Adam Levine <---I'm the first one in the video.

Every year since 2007, my family participates in Relay for Life (a 24 hour cancer walk). It started out in honor of my mom for when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, but now we also walk in honor of myself for when I was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2011.
From left to right: Me, my dad, my mom.

This is the first picture taken of my boyfriend (Alex) and I days before he asked me out on June 20th, 2008.

Every year, Alex and I go to the Del Mar Fair for our anniversary and take pictures in the photo booth.
1 Year Anniversary (2009)

2 Year Anniversary (2010)

3 Year Anniversary (2011)

4 Year Anniversary (2012)

5 Year Anniversary (2013)