Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nutrition Journal Analysis

Nutrition Journal Entries


  • Average consumption of carbohydrates in a day: 174 grams (2,436 grams of carbs / 14 days = 174 grams of carbs).
  • Represents 696 calories from carbohydrates (174 x 4 = 696).
  • With an average of 1,255 calories a day, 55% of those calories are contributed by carbohydrates.
  • With the recommendation of 45%-65%, my intake is exactly in the middle of the scale.


  • Average consumption of fat in a day: 39 grams (543 grams of fat / 14 days = 39 grams of fat)
  • Represents 351 calories from fat (39 x 9 = 351).
  • With an average consumption of 1,255 calories and 39 grams of fat a day, my fat intake contributes to 28% of total energy.
  • With the recommendation of fat not contributing more than 20%-35% of total energy, I am above the minimum but also below the maximum.
  • Looking at the days I went over my recommended goal intake of fat, I noticed I ate Mary Calendar's Mac & Cheese or Totino's Pizza Rolls.
  • I recall being in a rush those days, so I didn't have a lot of time to actually make something better for me.
  • Next time I am in a rush and I choose to eat those meals again, I will eat a smaller portion so I don't go over my goal of fat intake and will in return lower my percentage.
  • Average consumption of cholesterol in a day: 101 milligrams


  • Average consumption of protein in a day: 46 grams (640 grams of protein / 14 days = 46 grams of protein). 
  • Represents 184 calories from protein (46 x 4 = 184).
  • With an average consumption of 1,255 calories and 46 grams of protein a day, my protein intake contributes to 4% of total energy.
  • With the recommendation of protein contributing 10%-35% of total energy, my comparison of 4% is below the recommendation.

  • Vitamin C is a high consumption, while Iron, Vitamin A, and Calcium are a lower consumption 
  • There is a high sodium content in Cup O Noodles. The best way to enjoy that food without too much sodium would be to take out as much of the seasoning as possible.


For the most part I'm somewhat satisfied with the way I eat. It isn't completely unhealthy, but then again it isn't completely healthy. I would like to eat more fruits and vegetables. It's hard for me because with today's society, I'm always busy and on the run. A way I feel like I can get around that to improve my eating habits and take that step towards a healthier lifestyle would to be to pre-package some healthy fruit and vegetable snacks (on the weekend when I'm the least busy) for everyday for the entire week. That way I can just grab it and go and not have to buy something that's processed or fast food. One thing I am very proud of myself for choosing to do before this was to stop drinking soda completely. I remember in high school I used to drink at least 2 cans of Dr. Pepper every single day. When I graduated I took that step to stop and observed what happened because of that. The outcome of it was really good and looking at all of these charts of what I eat and drink and how it breaks everything down just confirms it even more.

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